Change your life and career

What exactly is career analysis?

By Mary Andrews

Career analysis is especially useful when you have no idea what you want to do career wise. It can help when you’re stuck in an unfulfilling role but don’t know what to do instead, can’t decide between various options or simply aren’t sure about what you’d be good at.

With career analysis, we build a comprehensive picture of you in relation to career. From this we can draw some firm conclusions for career direction. In particular, you will gain greater clarity around:

  • What interests and motivates you,
  • How your personality characteristics impact career,
  • Where your strengths and abilities lie.

Career analysis is particularly suitable for people who are overwhelmed by the whole career thing.

The process involves:

  • Completing a personal and career history form designed to encourage you to reflect on your career so far and what you want to get out of the process
  • Completion of a number of psychometric assessments that will give us additional information about your strengths, preferences, values and interests
  • An in-depth consultation to fully discuss your situation and explore options.

At the end of the process, you will receive a personally written report providing full feedback on all the test results and summarising the implications of the points discussed in relation to career. 

In conclusion, career analysis provides a comprehensive assessment of you. This is used to build a holistic picture of you including your interests, personality, values and abilities. Ultimately, it  provides careers advice tailored personally to you. 

Mary Andrews Portrait

Mary Andrews, MSc, IDC, MBPsS, PMABP, AssocISFCP is a qualified coach and career analyst.

With a background in HR and psychology, since 2011 she has been helping professionals and students find direction and thrive in their careers and life.

Make changes that stick. If you want to move from feeling unhappy and dissatisfied to content and fulfilled, contact me for a free without obligation conversation.